

Here you will find various media materials from Kosan Crisplant. Our wide selection of publications includes newsletters, e-books, infographics - and much more. Check out all the materials below to be updated on the latest news from our company, to learn more about the world of LPG or to get puzzled by fascinating industry facts.

The media materials on this site can be used within the boundaries of our terms and conditions.

For more information or questions, please contact Corporate Communications.


Sign up for our newsletter to receive the latest news from Kosan Crisplant, or browse through previous newletter editions in the archive.

Visit our newsletter section

Knowledge centre

MAKEEN Energy, our mother company, has a knowledge centre with info, tips and tricks from all around the energy industry.

Visit to learn more about the world of energy


In this section, you find brochures that give you an introduction to Kosan Crisplant and some of our products and service.

Browse through our brochures


Information and graphics mixed into one image to provide you with the grand - and visual - overview of facts and figures about LPG.

Have a look at our infographics

Background articles

These articles and stories bring you up to speed on markets, developments and trends in the LPG industry.

Learn more about the LPG industry