
MAKEEN Energy policies

MAKEEN Energy is a global, market-leading house of energy that unites several business areas under one roof and one common purpose: responsible energy solutions for people and planet. Aside from the purpose, all the entities, subsidiaries and work sites we own or operate around the world share a common set of policies. These are known as the MAKEEN Energy policies.

The MAKEEN Energy policies are a mark of our many years of commitment to building up a responsible business, and they constitute a valuable and sustainable basis for the way we act. Our policies are rooted in our strategy and support our purpose, and that makes them key to our business and our relations to our surroundings. They cover areas that, in our opinion, are essential to any business anywhere.

The MAKEEN Energy policies

These policies are common to all our entities, subsidiaries and worksite. They deal with issues that are central for responsible business: quality, health and safety, environment and data.

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